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About PureBioenergy®

“A person is sick when this universal doctor in him, which we call the immune system, is defective in a certain part of the body or in a certain organ. So, the therapist, could as a matter of fact be called the mechanic of the immune system. The moment you have fixed the energy in charge of our health, that is defective, a person heals.”

- Zoran Hochstatter, Founder PureBioenergy®

What is PureBioenergy®?

PureBioenergy® is traditional healing. It is a healing therapy that consists of simple techniques combined in specific, proven protocols to benefit all health conditions - from simple to serious. This powerful method of healing utilizes specific energy protocols for use on and around the body, and when properly applied, the information of pure health is brought to the immune system, bringing balance to the bioenergetic field, and allows self healing to take place.

This therapy is gentle, non-invasive and HEALING, as it uses life itself. 

How does it work?

The biofield contains all the information of your immune system and works as the body’s defense system. Any imbalance first appears in your biofield, which later can develop as an illness in the physical body. ​


Bioenergy works with the participant's own energy potential - the biofield - to give it the information to come to wellness. Applied over four consecutive days, PureBioenergy Therapy restores the immune system to its most efficient healing state, provides information to the body to speed up healing and recovery time, provides pain relief and restores blood flow for faster healing.


PureBioenergy energy healing

Transmission of this information of health adjusts and balances the participant's biofield to restore health on all levels - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. This healing therapy has been proven to reverse many chronic conditions, including those that continue to confound conventional medicine.


To learn more about research, scientific studies and powerful testimony about the method of PureBioenergy please visit

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